1923 – 2023
Château Taillefer is one of those rare estates that have remained in the same family for over a century. In the calm and the cool of its cellars, you can find wines from the last century that now only exist in a few bottles. These old vintages are living reminders of our past: they reflect the people who made them and the place that produced them. More than just a tasting, it’s a journey, a moving encounter with my ancestors… The wine of Château Taillefer recounts a story, the one of its terroir and of my family that has cultivated it for a century! I’m delighted to highlight this story for the centenary :
It’s the story of Antoine Moueix, the Correzian pioneer who reinvented his destiny. At the end of the 19th century, my whole family lived in Corrèze in the center of France. They were farmers from father to son and lived very simply. Courageous and full of daring, my great-great-grandfather left his family and plotted fate to start a wine business. With only his energy and common sense, Antoine started by selling Bordeaux wines door-to-door in north of France, Belgium and the Netherlands. His business worked so well that he decided to become a winemaker and chose Château Taillefer in 1923.
It’s the story of the generations who have shaped this family heritage. His son, Jean-Marie, his grandson, Marcel, and then his great-grandson, Bernard, continue to develop the family wine heritage. They passed on the baton, each in his own time, with his own share of successes and difficulties. They all made their contribution and in turn passed on this heritage to their children. My family heritage is not just a wine estate, it’s also a name, a history, a know-how and, above all, the spirit of success and the love of good wine.
It’s also the challenge and the commitment of a lifetime. By taking over from my parents, I’m part of this great family adventure. Like previous generations, I reinvent this heritage every day. I, for my part, make wine with the constant desire to « do better », and open the doors of Château Taillefer to amateurs from around the world. Today, I want to pay tribute to those generations of winemakers who, gesture after gesture, season after season, life after life, have made this wine what it is. I dedicate to them the 2023 vintage, which celebrates the centenary of the Bernard Moueix family at Château Taillefer.